DROP-IN GROUP EXERCISE SCHEDULE The current drop-in group exercise schedule can be located at both the Kettering Recreation Complex and the Kettering Fitness & Wellness Center. The schedule also can be found online at www.playkettering.org, the PlayKettering app (available on the App Store or Google Play) or by calling 296-2587 for additional information. DROP-IN EXERCISE FEES Res. DROP-IN CLASS Youth (11 – 17) Adult ANNUAL PASS Youth (11 – 17) Adult PUNCH CARD (12 visits) Youth (11 – 17) Adult Special Notes: • • • • • • $4 $5 $70 $115 $40 $50 Non-Res. $8 $10 $105 $174 $80 $100 Drop-in fees are per class (class times vary from 45 to 75 minutes). • An exercise pass entitles the bearer to attend any drop-in exercise class and allows access to the indoor track. Passes are not transferable. Parent or guardian must sign a release prior to youth (ages 11 through 15) attending any activity. Parent or guardian must attend the class with the youth participant. The drop-in exercise schedule may change during your pass year. Exercise passes are valid for one year from date of purchase. Each Certified Group Exercise Instructor is unique, with some teaching classes in a darkened atmosphere and some in a lighted atmosphere. On the Group Exercise Drop-in Schedule, an * denotes classes taught in a darkened atmosphere; ** denotes classes taught in a lighted atmosphere. PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE BEGINNING ANY FITNESS PROGRAM. Free Friday Group Exercise Classes Kettering Recreation Complex Kettering Fitness & Wellness Center It’s fun, it’s fit and it’s free. Join us the first Friday of each month for our FREE Group Exercise Day. If you have never been to a group exercise class but have always wanted to check it out, then here is your chance. On the first Friday of every month, all Group Exercise Classes at the Kettering Recreation Complex and Kettering Fitness & Wellness Center will be free of charge. Anyone can come in and participate; it doesn’t matter where you live, whether you’ve ever been to the complex before, or even if you belong to another fitness facility. We want everyone to stop in and experience the fun, friendly, energetic, expertly taught, fat burning group exercise classes we offer. So if you’ve ever wanted to see what we’re all about, now is the time. The class schedule for this day will vary each month and will be posted at the Kettering Recreation Complex and Kettering Fitness & Wellness Center and available online at playkettering.org. Friday, June 7 Friday, July 5 Friday, Aug. 2 For more information, call 937.296.2587. Contact: Nancy Boss, Group Exercise Coordinator (937) 296-2587 [email protected] MATURE ADULT DROP-IN EXERCISE Below are the drop-in classes for the Charles I. Lathrem Senior Center (CIL). Class descriptions are listed below the schedule. Age(s): 45+ years Class Simple Cardio Moves Zumba® Gold Chair Exercise Day(s) M/W F M/W/Th Strength Training M/Th Strength Training M/W/Th Time 9 – 9:50 a.m. 9 – 9:50 a.m. 10 – 10:50 a.m. 11 – 11:50 a.m. 5:30 – 6:20 p.m. Location CIL A/B CIL A/B CIL A/B CIL A/B CIL A/B Simple Cardio Moves — Non-impact aerobic cardio moves that will benefit balance and coordination with warm down exercises. Zumba® Gold — Choreographed Latin-inspired, easy-to- follow dance moves while working on balance, coordination and fun in fitness. Chair Exercise — Specific balance exercises that can reduce the risk of falling combined with strength and flexibility flowing movements. Strength Training — Use a variety of equipment such as weights, tubing, bands and balls for strength and flexibility and core exercises on mats with cool down. Fees: CIL Member Pricing: $2/class – Lathrem Members (Annual CIL Pass) $45/year – Lathrem Annual Exercise Pass (No drop-in fee paid per class, only the annual fee.) Additional Classes Open to Non-CIL Members: $3/class – Kettering Residents $5/class – Non-Kettering Residents Note: Please consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. YOUTH IN THE FITNESS CENTERS Youth can use both fitness centers during regular fitness center hours. Ages 8 to 15 must be supervised by a parent and complete an orientation (parents must attend the child’s session with a personal trainer). There is a maximum ratio of two children per adult. Ages 8 to 10 may use the stretching areas and cardiovascular equipment. Ages 11 to 15 may use the stretching areas, cardiovascular and strength equipment. For additional questions, please contact the Kettering Recreation Complex at 296-2587 or the Kettering Fitness & Wellness Center at 293-4348. playkettering.org 47 FITNESS / WELLNESS